Terms Of use

By using MIKU, you agree these Terms and Conditions and to the Privacy Policy. This Agreement is effective on 30 September 2016 and applies to all users.

Acceptance of Jobs

We will happily serve most job and revision requests however we may choose to reject a job or revision request, based upon our sole discretion. Examples of jobs we may choose to reject are those which contain excess nudity or obscene images, or where the requests is not within our capabilities. We are also unable to edit receipts or invoices. In such situations you may request a full refund.

Revision Policy

Revisions are free, however we reserve the right to not provide a revision if, in our sole discretion, we deem the request to be unreasonable. The revision request must also not deviate substantially from the original instructions.  Once a job has been submitted you may not change or substitute the photo.

Payment Policy

MIKU processes all new payments through the Apple App store or Google Play store. Some legacy subscription customers are processed via Stripe. Please note that unused subscription credits expire at the end of the monthly billing period. Job credits which are purchased as a package and not part of a monthly subscription do not expire. 

Rights to Your Images

MIKU does not claim any rights or ownership of your images except as necessary to provide its services. When submitting an image to MIKU you represent and warrant to MIKU that you either own the image or have written permission from the copyright owner to make such image available to MIKU. Also, when submitting a job request you grant MIKU, the right to copy, store, display, modify and distribute your image or derivatives thereof for the purposes of fulfilling your job request. If you violate these provisions and transmit an image of others without their consent, you are solely responsible for any copyright violations that are committed as a result of your actions and you agree to indemnify and hold harmless MIKU, its officers, directors, employees and agents from any resulting costs and liability.

Data Storage

We will store your photos on our servers for a limited time period. After the job has been completed we may retain the image on our server to enable you to download it via the application, but we request that you download and save the image to your own device as we have no responsibility for the storage of your photos or data.


MIKU provides these terms and conditions "as is". MIKU maintains the sole right to revise these terms and conditions at any time. MIKU reserves the right to terminate such agreement any time without any notice to any such user. MIKU, employees, and authorized agents under no circumstances shall be held liable for any damages or any unforeseen damages that may result directly or indirectly from any communications and or works performed by MIKU. MIKU shall also not be held liable for any communications or images that may be received by an unanticipated third party.

Contact Us & Complaints 

If you have any questions about this Agreement, please feel free to contact us at support@miku.company